

If you encounter any issues related to our server, such as bugs, glitches, rule violations, or instances of cheating or hacking, we encourage you to submit a detailed ticket on our Discord server. Access it here and head to the designated support channel.

For inquiries or concerns related to VIP purchases, including any issues with the queue skip benefits, please also use our Discord ticket system. Creating a ticket is the fastest way to receive timely support. Remember to include all relevant details, and our support team will address your concerns promptly. Alternatively, you may contact us via email at [email protected].

Please Note: All VIP purchases are non-refundable. Requests for refunds will not be accommodated. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing DayZ Loaded. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out through our designated support channels.

Copyright © 2023-2025 Loaded. All rights reserved.